- Emphasises on both theory and practice to nurture students with a thorough grounding in the core aspects of business and management.
Department of Business Administration
The Department of Business Administration was established in 1971.
The Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) programme replaced the former diploma curriculum in 2003, and the department has offered a Master of Science in Marketing and Consumer Psychology since September 2013. The undergraduate programme not only enhances students’ communication and critical thinking skills, but also familiarises them with modern commercial theories and practice, data-processing skills and the ability to understand cultural differences. An emphasis is also placed on integrating traditional Chinese values with modern practices of commerce.
Department Video
This admissions information talk provides the 2025/26 undergraduate programmes of Hong Kong Shue Yan University. You can check the admission requirements of the programme(s), introduction of the department, and internship, exchange and other student/alumni activities.
Our Programmes
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Programme
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resources Management - Applied Psychology Programme
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Digital Marketing Programme
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Programme
Programme Features
Programme Curriculum*
- Financial Services & Planning Concentration: Estate & Retirement Planning, Hong Kong Taxation & Planning, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Insurance
- Marketing Concentration: Internet and Social Media Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Advertising Strategies and Design, Public Relations Disciplines
- Human Resource Management Concentration: Training and Development, Reward Management, Asia Pacific Management Issues, Industrial Relations and Labour Law
- Corporate Governance Concentration: Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance, Corporate Secretaryship, Hong Kong Taxation & Planning, Company Law
- i-Entrepreneurship Concentration: Digital Entrepreneurship, eBusiness Management, e-CRM, Internet of Things
*For detailed curriculum, please refer to the departmental website.
- Elective
- Compulsory
Career Paths
Graduates will possess practical and wide-range of skills and knowledge that can be mounted the widest possible job search, such as marketing and sales, administration and management, banking and finance, operation and logistics management.
Professional Recognition
Professional recognition after graduation:
- Graduates of the Corporate Governance Concentration may gain partial exemption from the professional examinations of Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)
- Graduates of the Financial Services and Planning Concentration may exempt to attend part of the modules of Certification Education Programme of the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) when they are going to take the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) examinations; and may gain partial exemption from the examinations of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute (HKSI)
- Students of the Human Resources Management Concentration are eligible to become Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
Entrance Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- ES 3
NMTSS = Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme
SSSDP = Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors
Entrance Scholarship (ES)
ES 3 – Entrance Scholarship for Non-Chinese Speaking Student
Year of Entry
- Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Human Resources Management - Applied Psychology Programme
Programme Features
- Interdisciplinary training on human resource management and applied psychology
・Provide students with a strong foundation in HRM and Applied Psychology
・Equip students with cutting-edge theories and practices in HRM thereby enabling them to recruit, motivate and retain appropriate employees and build up good employment relationships
・Enable students to understand employees’ personality, emotions, and behaviours, and to cope with management challenges in the rapidly changing business environment - Overseas exchange study / compulsory internship
In the final year of the course, students will go to the human resources management department for internships and doing research to practice what they have learned, and strengthen their practical ability. They will also be offered exchange opportunities at overseas universities for 1 semester/1 academic year - Comprehensive study of the main areas of human resource management
- Have full knowledge of the leading technology of human resource management
Programme Curriculum*
Four Areas
- Fundamental Business Courses: Financial Accounting, Principles and Practice of Management, Business Communication, Business Strategy, Legal Environment of Business, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- HRM-based Courses: Organisational Behaviour, Principles of Human Resource Management, Training and Development, HR Analytics, Contemporary Recruitment and Selection, Reward Management, Industrial Relations and Labour Law
- Psychology-based Courses: Introductory Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Social Psychology
- Interdisciplinary Courses: Employee Well-being, Psychological Assessment in HRM, Work and Life-span Development
*For detailed curriculum, please refer to the departmental website.
- Compulsory
- Elective
Career Paths
Graduates can establish their careers in new and popular positions, including human resources experts, managers or supervisors in areas such as employee relations, learning and development, recruitment, salary and benefits, recruitment and human resources, or even personal entrepreneurship.
Professional Recognition
Human Resource Management (HKIHRM)
Endorsement of this programme by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) will be sought. This accreditation will offer graduates the opportunity to further pursue a professional HRM recognition that is internationally recognized.
Entrance Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- ES 3
NMTSS = Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme
SSSDP = Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors
Entrance Scholarship (ES)
ES 3 – Entrance Scholarship for Non-Chinese Speaking Students
Year of Entry
- Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Digital Marketing Programme
Programme Features
- Programme curriculum covers various professional skills in digital marketing, multimedia production and data analysis techniques, training students to become business strategists with entrepreneurial thoughts
- Students need to learn language, general education, business administration, corporate governance and related professional courses to improve business communication and technology application skills
- Overseas exchange study / compulsory internship
We offer various internship opportunities offered by companies and digital marketing firms - Student activities
CEO lecture, mentorship programmes, internship programmes and various workshops. Students can prepare their career path better after graduation
Programme Curriculum*
- Fundamental Business
Financial Accounting, Business Communication, Legal Environment of Business, Principles and Practice of Management, Quantitative Methods for Business - Economics Digital Marketing and Online Business
Capstone Project, Consumer Behaviour, Customer Insights and Experiences, Digital Analytics for Marketing, Digital Entrepreneurship, Digital Game Marketing, eBusiness Management, e-CRM, Internet and Social Media Marketing, Internet of Things - Multimedia Application
Computer Animation in Journalism and Communication, Computer Graphic Design and Publishing, Digitisation and Interactive Multimedia, Media Aesthetics, Visual Communication
*For detailed curriculum, please refer to the departmental website.
- Compulsory
- Elective
Career Paths
Graduates will be able to develop their careers in fields related to digital marketing and be equipped to work in different sectors upon graduation, for example in retail, customer service, customer relationship management, content management, advertising, digital strategic planning and digital commerce coordination. They can also start their own business as digital business entrepreneurs and consultants.
Professional Recognition
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Students studying the BBA (Hons) in Digital Marketing are eligible to apply exemptions from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) at Level 6 (L6) Diploma in Professional Marketing modules (“Strategic Marketing” or “Marketing & Digital Strategy”), to which they will be required to pass, Mastering Metrics or Innovation in Marketing (Mandatory) plus one elective module to obtain the L6 Diploma in Professional Marketing qualification or pass Digital Optimisation and The Digital Customer Experience modules to gain the CIM Diploma in Professional Digital Marketing. In addition, the students need to study from three of the elective modules within their degree: for example, Digital Game Marketing, Public Relations Disciplines, Advertising and Design. They are also eligible for exemptions from the L4 Certificate.
Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)
Student Membership: The Year-4 students from the BBA (Hons) in Digital Marketing are eligible to apply to become student members of HKIM.
Associate Membership: Graduates of the BBA (Hons) in Digital Marketing are eligible to apply to become associate members of HKIM.
Entrance Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- ES 3
NMTSS = Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme
SSSDP = Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors
Entrance Scholarship (ES)
ES 3 – Entrance Scholarship for Non-Chinese Speaking Students
Year of Entry
- Year 1
- Year 2
- Year 3
Department Photo Gallery
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